Exporters directory
- Woodworking, wood
- Household items
- Machinery and metal working
- Medicine
- Metallurgy
- Clothes, footwear, textiles, jewellery, souvenirs
- Food and drinks
- Industrial equipment
- Construction
- Tourism, services
- Packaging and storage
- Chemistry
- Elecrtical technologies and elecrtonics
«Chagoda glass plant & K», OOO (LLC)
Packaging and storage
Exported products:
Brown, green, white and olive-colored glass production using foreign equipment
Brown, green, white and olive-colored glass production using foreign equipment
«North glass-container company’’, OOO (LLC)
Packaging and storage
Exported products:
Production of glassware for sparkling and fruit wines, exclusive glassware
Production of glassware for sparkling and fruit wines, exclusive glassware